Sunday 8 February 2009

Disposable? Negative. Make that Disposable Wisdom

Today this Pencil found itself drawing passed the O2 arena whilst en route to the days activity. The mind wonders. Roll back the clock a few years. 9 years one month and 8 days to be exact and this arena was the millennium dome. So many questions then evolve to the point that if I try and fathom and answer for the second question then I’ve already forgotten the first. However of all the potential questions the one that stands out is why did anyone think the dome should be disposable? It’s clearly cost considerably more than a throw away camera and unlike your Kodak friend it actually has the ability to be reused time and again for multi events. I am not selling the dome to you, merely lamenting the idiot, and yes there was one, that in a boardroom once upon a time said, “So to summarise it will be called the millennium dome and we will build it for the millennium and dismantle it after the millennium. Meeting adjourned.”

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