Saturday 7 February 2009

Mass Nudity

Welcome to the Blog of Pencil. I am new to the world of blogging and indeed you are new to the BOP. The sharp amongst you will realise that BOP stands for Blog of Pencil. Ok that was an easy underarm bowl, I expect them to be hit out of the park in future. Try to keep up.

So today I made my way to a very over priced London gym and within its four walls is where my grievance stems. My issue is those that weight themselves in the gym. Let me qualify that. Weighing yourself is fine I have done it myself now and again, 84 kilos apparently, and I certainly encourage people to stay in shape. BUT and in the words of Doctor Cox, here’s the kicker; Do people have to do it stark naked? Surely a pair of boxer shorts is not going to throw your mass that much? And surely if you wear a pair of boxer shorts/y-fronts/thong (whatever floats your boat) every time then it will make no difference? I bring the above to the attention of the internet in the hope that perhaps next time one of you wishes to conclude exactly what your burden is on your pair of nikeeeey trainers then you will do it with some form of clothing covering your crack.

(84kilos less 0.1kgs for the weight of 1x boxer shorts (black))

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