Monday 22 June 2009

Sporting Round Up

Wimbledon Day 1
Laura Robson 15 years old takes a set off a former top 10 ranked girl but then loses 2-1. Fair play to her especially as she is yet to fully evolve. No not physically or mentally but vocally. She has not even taken GCSE grunting yet as there was not a whimper in sight or rather in ear. Perhaps Robson needs to hang out in places such as Croydon in order to fast track her grunting skills. Sharapova is currently on court and it is as though Peter North is umpiring and making her inspect his hawk eye at every opportunity. I mean seriously genocide would be quieter than this.

Yesterday was the Twenty20 cricket final. I looked on from various quarters of the ground as Pakistan dominated. In the last few overs it became apparent that Pakistan were going to defeat Sri Lanka. You could see the police relaxing with every run that Pakistan knocked off. However the announcements kept coming that any invasion of the pitch would result in arrest and a heavy fine… Despite this you knew some people were going to try… sure enough when victory was confirmed 2 people jumped the knee high fence only to get taken down before they reached the boundary not 3 meters away. So for a 3 meter run followed by getting to second base with 5 police officers and a large fine and criminal record one must ask: was it worth it?!!
Now then my two Pakistani friends let me educate you…. I advise that next time you do it naked then at least you will get to third base…

Sunday 8 February 2009

Disposable? Negative. Make that Disposable Wisdom

Today this Pencil found itself drawing passed the O2 arena whilst en route to the days activity. The mind wonders. Roll back the clock a few years. 9 years one month and 8 days to be exact and this arena was the millennium dome. So many questions then evolve to the point that if I try and fathom and answer for the second question then I’ve already forgotten the first. However of all the potential questions the one that stands out is why did anyone think the dome should be disposable? It’s clearly cost considerably more than a throw away camera and unlike your Kodak friend it actually has the ability to be reused time and again for multi events. I am not selling the dome to you, merely lamenting the idiot, and yes there was one, that in a boardroom once upon a time said, “So to summarise it will be called the millennium dome and we will build it for the millennium and dismantle it after the millennium. Meeting adjourned.”

Saturday 7 February 2009

Mass Nudity

Welcome to the Blog of Pencil. I am new to the world of blogging and indeed you are new to the BOP. The sharp amongst you will realise that BOP stands for Blog of Pencil. Ok that was an easy underarm bowl, I expect them to be hit out of the park in future. Try to keep up.

So today I made my way to a very over priced London gym and within its four walls is where my grievance stems. My issue is those that weight themselves in the gym. Let me qualify that. Weighing yourself is fine I have done it myself now and again, 84 kilos apparently, and I certainly encourage people to stay in shape. BUT and in the words of Doctor Cox, here’s the kicker; Do people have to do it stark naked? Surely a pair of boxer shorts is not going to throw your mass that much? And surely if you wear a pair of boxer shorts/y-fronts/thong (whatever floats your boat) every time then it will make no difference? I bring the above to the attention of the internet in the hope that perhaps next time one of you wishes to conclude exactly what your burden is on your pair of nikeeeey trainers then you will do it with some form of clothing covering your crack.

(84kilos less 0.1kgs for the weight of 1x boxer shorts (black))